Sep 21, 2012

A new project is coming!

Hello! I'm happy to announce I'm currently working on a project at the moment with the lovely people at Blue Quoll Digital. They are a digital house publisher located in Brisbane, Australia, and they produce beautiful digital apps for kids inspired by classical fairytales.

They already have two apps on sale on the iTune store illustrated by the incredibly talented and award-winning illustrator Lucia Masciullo. Check them out!!

I'm working with them on a classical tale that is going to be completed transformed and turned over! Hopefully the app will be released by the end of the year. This is a very small sneak peak of it... can someone guess which tale is it??:)

So far it's all still top-secret but more info and images will be revealed soon! Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. so cute! can't wait to see more.

    - Amy @
