Oct 23, 2011

THe iNCIPIT new episode

A new illustration for the 5th episode of Little riding hood of THe iNCIPIT.

(click to enlarge)

Oct 22, 2011

The Grid

Finally I can talk about the exhibition my class at school will have for the end of the year. I was waiting for the flyer to be published and here it is

The chosen theme is "The Grid" and basically the city in general.
This is the artwork I did, something a bit nature inspired.

More info on the Facebook page.
Hopefully it is going to be good!

Oct 13, 2011


Today I've done another illustration for THe iNCIPIT.
This was was a very fun one to do and I'm pretty happy of the result.
Also, I'm starting getting a little bit more painterly, which I see like a good sign!

Oct 10, 2011

Stylist cover

Recently I did this illustration for the Stylist 100th issue cover competition.
Once I came up with the concept, it took me ages to illustrate it because I couldn't paint anything that looked as a peacock's tail and a firework at the same time. This is the best I did. I like it so far...!

Oct 6, 2011

They draw and travel

Finally yesterday I finished this project I meant to do ages ago.
It didn't take me long, I thing getting started took me longer!
Anyway, this is my map for the They draw and travel project. I decided to do a map of Melbourne with my favorite restaurants on it. I'm quite happy with the result!
Click on it and have a closer look!