Jul 30, 2011

Sneak Peak

I'm working on my piece for the exhibition at the Saloon (already mentioned here).
This is just a sneak peak of my work in pastels.
It's almost finish... !

Jul 27, 2011


I had a little bit of a play with stencil and symmetry recently... fun!

Jul 26, 2011

The Saloon art exhibition

First year illustration at Nmit will have a little exhibition at the Saloon, a new non-profit social space in Nicholson st, Melbourne.

It will be a very DIY exhibition organized by the students and basically just an excuse to have fun hanging out and put our work out there as well.

Exhibited artworks will all be about food and treats. The opening will be on 5th August from 6 to 9pm at 509 Nicholson Street, Carlton North.

If you want to know more about this, please visit the facebook page of the event.
Come and have a treat!!

Jul 23, 2011

Anya's ghost

Yesterday I received a parcel from Amazon and inside there was something really nice... "Anya's ghost"!! Finally!:D
I was so excited I started reading it straight away and a couple of hours later I was already at the last page!

The critic on the cover from Neil Gaiman says "A masterpiece!" and yes, it is!
It such a lovely comic about a girl named Anya who has to deal with the difficult years of High School and a ghost friend.

The author is called Vera Brosgol and this is her debut book. What a awesome way to start! She was a storyboard artist for the animated film version of Coraline and one of my favorite artist.

The drawings are amazing, the character is lovely (and it probably will remind you of your own struggle as a teenager), the story is paced and convincing.
So if you like comics just buy it and read it!
Let's support young and talented people!

Vera Brosgol website

Buy the book from here
Read the book's preview here!

Jul 17, 2011

Back... with a Website!!

Hello nice people out there!
I'm finally back! Last week I moved and this week I've also got internet again... yay!!
Because of the moving I haven't got a lot of work done lately and it has been also school holiday so let's say it has been a break... sort of, eheh.

Anyway, in this last two weeks I finally had the chance to do something I should have done a while ago... build a WEBSITE!
Well, actually my boyfriend built it eheh. What I did was to draw the menu's font and the animal icons... basically, the web graphic.

The software my website uses to manage all the images (add, remove, etc) is called indexhibit which I've noticed it's quite popular amongst illustrators and artists.
Personally, I don't think it's an amazing software (sometimes I just couldn't understand why that button was doing that thing in that place... also, there's just very little room for image's descriptions grrr) but it's free! So if you're just starting out and maybe you don't want spend extra money on the website that is the way to go.

Anyway, my website is simple, minimal and it's supposed to look nice. I'm quite happy how it turned out.

So here it is my new and official website. Click on the lion to go there and have a look... Hope you like it!

Jul 7, 2011

I'm moving!

I'm moving.
Therefore I think there no much left to say of why this blog hasn't been updated much recently... Surprisingly, moving house is always more tiring, time consuming and expensive than what someone thinks at first.
Anyway, obviously I can't get much work done because lately I'm too tired to seriously produce something. But by the end of next week I hope to come back on track.
Please, wish me luck!