Nov 15, 2011

9x5 winner!

Some while ago I posted about an exhibition organized by Illustrators Australia called 9x5 that I was going to take part in.
Well, the event included also a competition amongst the exhibited pieces and I won the fist prize in the students section! YAY!
Everybody had to paint on a piece of wood sized 9x5 about the theme "rapture".
I did mine as a screen print and acrylic and this is the piece.


  1. Complimenti!!! Bellissima soddisfazione e dovuto riconoscimento al tuo talento!!

  2. YaaaaY!! congrats! I voted for yours ;D xx

  3. Complimenti! I colori sono così pieni!

  4. Thank you all!! And thanks to all the lovely people who voted for me!!
